Getting the Required Third-Party Dependencies
This section provides an overview of how to get the required third-party dependencies.
• Unit tests are created using the Junit technology hence we have dependency of third-party jars.
• For building, executing tests and to get code coverage report we need following third-party jars.
◦ junit.jar
◦ jmockit.jar
◦ jacococli.jar
◦ jacocoagent.jar
◦ hamcrest.jar
• These jars can be either directly downloaded from internet from their authorized locations or they can be downloaded using the maven tool and pom.xml provided by PTC.
• Versions of the jars are provided in the pom.xml file provided by PTC at this path: <WT_HOME>\prog_examples\CustomizationSamples\pom.xml.
To fetch third-party jars mentioned in the pom.xml file which is provided by PTC follow below steps:
2. Unzip the file into some folder. For example, /opt/ptc.
3. Install the Maven.
4. Open the command prompt and set the Maven’s environment variable and its bin directory path into PATH variable:
◦ export M2_HOME=/opt/ptc/<Apache maven file version>
For example: export M2_HOME=/opt/ptc/apache-maven-3.8.6
◦ export PATH=/opt/ptc/<Apache maven file version>/bin:${PATH}
For example: export PATH=/opt/ptc/apache-maven-3.8.6/bin:${PATH}
The export commands for setting variables are specific to Unix or Linux environment. For Windows environment appropriate commands specific to Windows should be used.
5. Create a folder and place the pom.xml file provided by PTC.
6. Open the command prompt and traverse to directory where pom.xml file is placed. Execute the following command with a parameter where to keep third-party jars.
◦ mvn dependency:copy -DdestinationPath=<destinationPath>
Destination path should be <WT_HOME>\lib directory. If the customer downloaded these jars from other location apart from <WT_HOME>\lib directory, then explicitly copy those jars in <WT_HOME>\lib directory.