Customization > Validation Guidelines for Automation of Customizations > Customization and Automation Samples for Java Classes used in Workflow/OIR/Business Rule/Listeners
Customization and Automation Samples for Java Classes used in Workflow/OIR/Business Rule/Listeners
PTC has provided examples of customizations involving Java code samples and unit test samples of OIR, workflow, and listeners. All configuration steps are mentioned in the <WT_HOME>\prog_examples\customization\ReadMe.txt file.
OIR may use external classes, such as customizations of algorithms or sequences.
Example use case: Creation of a part having a prefix in its number using a custom algorithm for OIR.
Source: file provided in prog_example.
Algorithm: Create a part with prefix text “TestAlgorithm Test” in the part number.
RuleAlgorithm java file — Custom code (
Container template — Configuration in the form of a loader.
Rule.xml configured within container — Configuration in the form of a loader.
Unit-level test of code that is within given input parameters and verified output values.
Actual scenario verification, which is to create a part within a container and verify the prefix text.
Above examples files are provided with Windchill in the <WT_HOME>\prog_examples\customization\CustomModule\main\src\com\acme\OIR\ directory.
Configured rule AppendStringAlgorithm.xml file as OIR for CustomTestProduct02 product.
The example unit test written for this OIR algorithm can be found at <WT_HOME>\prog_examples\customization\CustomModule\test\unit\src\com\acme\OIR\ directory.
The source sample for workflow is located in the <WT_HOME>\prog_examples\customization\CustomModule\main\src\com\acme\helper\ directory.
The example unit test written for this workflow algorithm is located in the <WT_HOME>\prog_examples\customization\CustomModule\test\unit\src\com\acme\workflow\ directory.
The source sample for custom listeners is located in the below directory:
The example unit test written for custom listeners is located in the <WT_HOME>\prog_examples\customization\CustomModule\test\unit\src\com\acme\customListeners\ directory.
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