Set Up Your Development Environment
You must perform the following steps to set up your development environment:
1. Install Windchill+. For more information, see Installing Windchill.
2. Set up your Integrated Development Environment (IDE). For more information, see the Set Up Your Integrated Development Environment (IDE) section.
3. Set up the package structure for customization artifacts. For more information, see the Set Up the Package Structure for Customization Artifacts section.
Set Up Your Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
PTC recommends that you use Eclipse as the IDE. This section describes setting up your Windchill+ development environment using Eclipse.
1. Install Eclipse as per your organization’s process. You can also install Eclipse from
It is recommended that you install the Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers for tailoring Windchill+.
See the PTC compatibility matrices to select the required JDK version for your Windchill version.
2. Setup a user Library for Windchill jars
Navigate to Window > Preferences > Java > Build Path > User Libraries.
Create a new library for Windchill. For example, Windchill.
Add the following JAR files from your Windchill installation to this directory.
1. codebase– use the ant script (add the name of the script) to create a jar of Windchill codebase.
2. srclib - All JAR files in %WT_HOME%\srclib\
3. lib - All JAR files in %WT_HOME%\lib
Set Up the Package Structure for Customization Artifacts
Create the package structure for organizing your customization artifacts. For more information, see Package Structure for Customization Artifacts.
After the installation of the CCD utility, the system copies the content in the loadFiles folder in the compile view to the loadFiles folder in the deployment view. Similarly, the system copies the content in the src folder in the compile view to the lib folder in the deployment view.
Consider the compile view as the source view and the deployment view as the target view.
The deployment folder structure must be manually created.
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