If your site has security labels enabled, you may see the Set Security Labels step. By default, a change task has the same security label values initially displayed as the change notice for which it was created. If your site has an object initialization rule with attribute constraints that sets the default security label value of a change task, the value will be displayed as specified by the object initialization rule rather than the value set on the change notice for which the change task was created. |
A Review Required checkbox appears if the Review Option property is set to optional review. This property is displayed for the change task type and its subtypes in the Type and Attribute Management utility. You can specify whether the change task must be mandatorily reviewed, optionally reviewed, or not reviewed for single as well as multiple participants. |
When selecting users, you can search for individual users and groups based on access control permissions. |
The Resulting Objects table displays a Set Impact Intent action if the Impact association rule is enabled for change tasks. This action lets you set the impact intent of a resulting object on the identified baseline. For more information, see Resulting Objects Table. You can also set the impact intent using the Impact Intent column, which can be displayed by customizing the table views. This column can be enabled to display while creating, editing, completing, reviewing, or auditing a change notice task. |
The Impacted Objects tab appears only if the Impact association rule was enabled for change tasks. For more information on association rules, see Define Association Rules. |
Steps do not necessarily need to be completed in the order in which they are listed. You may navigate to any step for which the link is enabled. |