Dynamic Document Information Page
A dynamic document is a Windchill business object that contains the specialized document types of certain authoring applications, including the following documents.
PTC Mathcad data sheets
Arbortext Editor XML files
Graphic files authored in, or for use in, Arbortext Editor or Arbortext IsoDraw.
For Arbortext applications, three dynamic document varieties are supported, described by authoring application and Document Category. The information pages for those objects may vary accordingly. The dynamic document types are as follows.
Arbortext Documents—Dynamic documents (Publication Source category) authored in Arbortext Editor. These may be structured documents.
Arbortext Graphics
—Dynamic documents (Publication Graphic category) authored in Graphics Editor
Arbortext IsoDraw Graphics—Dynamic documents (Publication Graphic, Illustration category) authored in Arbortext IsoDraw
The dynamic document information page is a collection point for information related to the dynamic document you are investigating. The information page of a dynamic document is accessed by clicking the information icon . The version of the information page displayed (workspace or commonspace) depends on whether the specific version of the object being investigated is in a workspace or in the commonspace.
From the information page, you can perform actions on the dynamic document as well as view attributes and tables of additional information. If Creo View is installed, you can view thumbnail images and access visualization information as well.
For an overview of information page functionality, see About Information Pages and Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Workspace and Commonspace Versions
The dynamic document information page supports two versions. From a workspace table row, clicking the information icon presents an information page for the workspace version of a dynamic document; whereas clicking the info icon for a dynamic document in the commonspace accesses the information page for the commonspace version.
If the dynamic document is checked-out to a workspace, Clicking on the information icon from a Folders page displays the workspace information page.
For clarity, the information page for a dynamic document in the workspace displays the workspace icon after the dynamic document's name, while a cabinet icon is displayed on the information page for a dynamic document in the commonspace.
From a workspace information page, you can toggle to go to the information page for the commonspace version of the dynamic document by clicking the go to information about this object in the commonspace icon . You can go from a commonspace page to a workspace page only if the object is checked out by you. To do so, click the go to information about this object in the workspace icon .
The following table shows the icons for the different workspace designations that are available in the embedded browser:
Workspace Designation
Active Workspace on Primary server
Active Workspace on an additional server
Inactive Workspace or workspace viewed in standalone browser
Active Locked Workspace on Primary server
Active Locked Workspace on an additional server
Inactive Locked Workspace
Object Identification and Status Indicators
Near the top of the page, the title area identifies the object by the following attributes.
<Object type icon>
<Object Type>
<Object Name>
Org ID: <org ID> (if applicable)
Version: <version>
<status image> (as appropriate)—Indicates the database status of the object
Next to the object type icon, the following images can appear to indicate the status of the dynamic document.
Checked out by you
Indicates you have an iteration of the object checked out, that is, you are making modifications with the intent of checking in an updated iteration of the dynamic document.
Iteration is checked out by another user
Indicates that someone else has an iteration of the dynamic document checked out.
A different iteration is checked out
Indicates that another user has a different iteration of the same dynamic document checked out.
A different iteration is checked out by you
Indicates that you have a different iteration of the same object checked out.
Pending change
(Windchill PDMLink only) Indicates that a revision has been proposed to a released version of the object. The pending change indicator provides advanced warning, so that proper planning can take place.
Checked out to a project
(Windchill PDMLink only) Indicates that the dynamic document has been checked out to a project from PDM, resulting in the creation of a project-specific version of the dynamic document. Dynamic document checked out to a project can still be modified in PDM.
Checked-out from PDM
(Windchill ProjectLink only) Indicates that the dynamic document has been checked out from PDM to the project, such as during the Add to Project operation. Dynamic documents checked out from PDM are locked in their original location, and a project-specific version of the dynamic document is created in the project.
Shared from PDM
(Windchill ProjectLink only) Indicates that the dynamic document is being shared from PDM. Shared objects are readable in the project and are viewable by members of that project.
Shared to ProjectLink
Information pages contain a list of applicable actions in a menu to the left of the object identification line. See Common Actions for a list of common actions available in Windchill. The availability of these actions depends on the status of the dynamic document, as well as your access to it. For more information about status indicators, see Object Status.
The following actions may be of particular interest for this object.
The availability of these options depends on the status of the object as well as your access to it. For example, if an object is checked-out, the Check Out action is not available, but Check In and Undo Check Out appear in the actions list.
Open in Arbortext Editor
Opens the object in a session of Arbortext Editor (not applicable for graphics dynamic documents)
Open in >
Presents the default existing representation of the object
View Representation
Displays the Representations tab on the information page. This action is only available for Arbortext dynamic documents. This action is also available from a right-click menu, such as on a Folders page.
Publish Representation
Initiates a publishing of the dynamic document. This action is also available from a right-click menu, such as on a Folders page
Add to Workspace
Presents the Add to Workspace window
Add to Project
(Available when running Windchill ProjectLink with Windchill PDMLink) Presents the Add Objects to a Project window.
Add to Baseline
Presents the Add to Baseline window
Check Out
Presents the Check Out and Add to Workspace window
Check In
Presents the Check In window
Undo Check Out
Presents the Undo Check Out window
Presents the New Revision window
Manage Security
Presents the Manage Security window, allowing the setting of access permissions.
Edit Access Control
Presents the Edit Access Control window, allowing the setting of ad hoc access permissions
Edit Security Labels
Presents the Edit Security Labels window, allowing the viewing and changing of security label values
Presents the Move window, allowing you to specify a new location for the object
Presents the Rename window
Presents the Delete window, allowing you to delete the object from the database
New Problem Report
Presents the New Problem Report window, allowing you to create a problem report
New Change Request
Presents the New Change Request window, allowing you to create a change request
New Change Notice
Presents the New Change Notice window, allowing you to create a change notice
Set State
Presents the Set State window, allowing you to set a life cycle state
Presents the Subscribe window, allowing you to request notice of events that affect the object
Places a copy of the object on the clipboard
Compare Information
After you find a database object for comparison, presents the Comparison Options window to select object qualities to compare, followed by a Comparison Report
Add to My Notebook
Presents the Add to My Notebook window
Reassign Life Cycles
Presents the Reassign Life Cycle window, allowing you to reassign a life cycle or set a starting life cycle state for an object
The following tabs are viewable on the dynamic document information page. You can customize the tabs that appear on each object information page to display the information most useful to you.
For more information, see Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Administrators may have modified the tabs that are viewable to you.
Contains some basic information about the dynamic document.
For more information about the visualization component, see Thumbnail Overview
Typically, the Details tab lists system attributes. See Object Attributes for a list of common attributes available in Windchill. In addition, a Where Used table lists the current dynamic document and any parent documents to which it is a child.
(Shown for Arbortext Editor Publication Source category only) The Structure tab on a dynamic document’s information page presents a view of the structure that comprises the document and actions for investigating and editing that structure. For more information, see Viewing CAD or Dynamic Document Structures.
Related Objects
(Shown forArbortext IsoDraw Publication Source category only) Displays a Representations table listing any visualization representations created for the dynamic document. Also displayed is a CAD/Dynamic Documents area, containing the References, Referenced By and Source and Image tables that display relationships with related objects. (For example, if this Arbortext IsoDraw object was created from a PVZ graphic dynamic document, the Source and Image table will show that source PVZ object.
(Shown for Arbortext Graphics only) Displays tables listing the primary content (with links to view or download the file), attachments (secondary content), and any representations or annotations of the dynamic document.
(Shown for Arbortext Editor Publication Source category only) Displays a Representations table listing any visualization representations created for the dynamic document, and Published Content information, if any.
Displays the Associated Changes table that provides information regarding any change processes in which the dynamic document is involved.
For more information, see Associated Changes Table.
Displays the Version History and Timeline for the dynamic document
System Attributes
A subset of attributes that communicate the unique identity of the object, appears on the page. You can view more attributes for the object by adding a new tab and then selecting Customize > General > More Attributes to display the General and System tables of object attributes. For more information, see Customizing Information Page Tabs.
The information page may also contain a thumbnail image of the object and access to visualization-related actions and information.
If you are viewing the workspace information page for a dynamic document, this viewable displays the object as currently stored in the workspace, not as stored in the database. To see the image as stored in the database, click the go to information about this object in the commonspace icon , located at the top of the page, to go to the information page of the database version of the object.
Special Considerations for Working with Bundled Servers
Though Windchill PDMLink and Windchill ProjectLink have a common information page design, there are special considerations when working with bundled Windchill PDMLink and Windchill ProjectLink servers. These considerations are as follows.
When an object is shared or from Windchill PDMLink:
Accessing its information page from Windchill ProjectLink or Windchill PDMLink commonspace presents the object'sWindchill PDMLink commonspace information page, regardless of your access to Windchill PDMLink.
The information page displayed is for the iteration that is contained in the project baseline.
All information in the information page that is access-controlled and for which the user does not have specific access is hidden. Instead of the information, the user is shown <Secured Information>.
Accessing its information page from a Windchill ProjectLink workspace presents the workspace information page in the Windchill PDMLink context.
When an object is PDM checked-out from Windchill PDMLink:
Accessing its information page from the Windchill ProjectLink commonspace presents the Windchill ProjectLink commonspace information page.
Accessing its information page from the Windchill PDMLink commonspace should lead to its Windchill PDMLink commonspace information page.
Accessing its information page from a Windchill ProjectLink workspace presents the object's Windchill ProjectLink workspace information page.
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