Configuring Security Labels
Product: Windchill
A new configuration tool, Security Label Administration, is available for defining security labels. The values for the labels can be defined using the Customize Modeled Enumerations tool.
You can configure security labels and allowed values for those labels using UI tools, and deploy the configurations using the CCD tool. This eliminates multiple manual steps required by the earlier process such as making copies of the out-of-the-box RBINFO files, editing and building them using command line tools, manually moving the files into the Installation directory, propagating changes to property files, and restarting the method server.
Use the Security Label Administration tool to define the security labels and the Customize Modeled Enumerations tool to define the allowed values for each of these security labels. The CCD tool helps validate and deploy your customizations.
Related Information
For more information, see Configuring Security Labels.
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