Дополнительные возможности > Управление информацией об обслуживании > About Service Structures > About Translation Management in Service Structures > Generate a Translation Document for a Structure
Generate a Translation Document for a Structure
If you need to translate service structure titles and attributes (not the content), you can generate a translation document for the currently selected object. You can generate a translation document for an entire service structure, for an information group or publication section, for parts lists, and for parts (any subtype of WTPart). The action takes the titles and other translatable text from the object (including other nested hierarchical nodes) and puts that content into an XLIFF file. The XLIFF file is then sent to the translators.
A Dynamic Document containing the XLIFF content is created in the Xliff folder for your context. The name of the XLIFF is the same as the selected object followed by an underscore (_), the language code, and (xliff) appended to the end.
For more Structure tab
The XLIFF document uses the XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) document type. This is an XML standard that is specifically designed for translation. See docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-core/xliff-core.html for more information about XLIFF.
Attributes need to be configured in the localizable_attset.xml file to be included in the XLIFF. Refer to XLIFF Documents for Translation for more information.