Дополнительные возможности > Управление информацией об обслуживании > About Service Structures > Building Service Structures > Insert New Group or Section
Insert New Group or Section
The Structure tab on the Service Structure Information Page enables you to insert a variety of objects into a service structure. You can add a level of hierarchy to your service structure by inserting an information group or a publication section.
An information group or publication section can also have referenced content objects associated with it. For more information about associating content with an information group or publication section, see Service Structure Information Elements .
Information groups and publication sections can contain other objects, which can be developed independently using the Service Group or Section Information Page.
Follow these steps to insert a new information group or publication section into your service structure:
1. Open the Structure tab on the information page for the service structure on which you want to insert the group or section.
2. In the service structure pane, find the location where you want to add a group or section and click on the object.
3. Click Insert New in the Editing action set and choose either Insert New Group or Insert New Publication Section from the menu list.
You can also use the shortcut menu by choosing Insert New to display the same choices.
The Insert New Group or Insert New Publication Section dialog box opens.
4. Set attributes for the new information group or publication section. Depending on your configuration, you can see the following:
Product — Displays the context in which you are creating the section.
If your context is not a product, then this option is named differently.
Type — Displays the type of object you are creating.
If you are adding an information group, this is usually Information Group. If you have created information group subtypes, you can select one of those types.
If you are adding a publication section, this is usually Publication Section. If you have created publication section subtypes, you can select one of those types.
5. If you are adding an information group, enter Information Group Attributes.
If you are adding a publication section, enter Publication Section Attributes.
Name — Specify a name, which is required. Name appears in the authoring language, and its value must be specified in the authoring language.
Description — Specify an optional description. Description appears in the authoring language, and its value must be specified in the authoring language.
Number – Specify the unique numeric identifier for the group or section.
Depending on your configuration, the number can be automatically generated. Otherwise, you can enter a number.
Location – Set the location where the new group or section is stored, which is required.
Autoselect Folder means the system sets a default location.
Select Folder lets you choose a folder. Click the browse button to display the Set Location dialog box, and set the location.
Default Content Location – Specify the default location where content referenced by this group or section is stored.
View — Displays the view for the new group or section. This choice can be read-only.
The default is the value of the Default Part View preference in the Part Management preferences category. The Windchill Service Information Manager general product template sets the Service view.
Authoring Language — Choose the authoring language for the information group or publication section, which is required.
6. Next, set Publishing Attributes:
Apply title from content — Determines whether the title from the XML content referenced from the section is used in the table of contents for published output instead of the name of the section when you publish a representation. Only available if you are adding a publication section.
The default is No, meaning include the name of the publication section in the table of contents.
Exclude content from output — Determines whether the referenced content is included in published output. The default is No, meaning content is included.
Exclude title from Table of Contents — Determines whether the title for the referenced content is included in the table of contents for published output.
The content is included in the output but it is not included in the table of contents. The default is No, meaning content title is included.
7. Selected Structure Object — Indicates where the new section is inserted. Only available if you are adding a publication section.
Where to Insert – Specify where you would like the section inserted relative to the currently selected object in the publication structure, which is required.
The following locations are available:
Before – Insert the section before the object selected in the publication structure.
After – Insert the section after the object selected in the publication structure.
As First Child – Insert the sections as the first object in the hierarchy of the selected object in the publication structure.
This choice is only available when a publication structure or publication section is selected in the publication structure.
As Last Child – Insert the section as the last object in the hierarchy of the selected object in the publication structure.
This choice is only available when a publication structure or publication section is selected in the publication structure.
8. Keep checked out after checkin — Check this box to keep the group or section checked out to you after you create it.
9. When you are done, click Finish to create the new group or section.
A confirmation message displays indicating that the group or section was successfully created.
If your site has organizations configured, you see an organization identifier, such as Organization ID or CAGE Code. For more information, see Owning Organization Participants.
If your site has security labels enabled, you see the Set Security Labels step. For more information, see Setting Security Labels while Creating an Object.