Дополнительные возможности > Управление информацией об обслуживании > About Service Structures > Service Structure Information Elements > Insert Existing Information Element
Insert Existing Information Element
The Insert Existing Information Element dialog box allows you to add an existing information element to the currently selected object in the service structure.
Search On
Displays a list of information element types. The choices depend on the type of service structure and whether subtypes are defined.
You can enter a number, or partial number, to filter the resulting list of information elements.
You can use wildcards to enlarge your search. For more information, see Using Wildcards.
You can enter a name, or partial name, to filter the resulting list of information elements.
You can use wildcards to enlarge your search. For more information, see Using Wildcards.
For publication structures and publication sections only, you can use your current context or all contexts.
Where to Insert
For publication structures and publication sections only, specify where you would like the content inserted, relative to the currently selected object.
As Last Child – Insert the information element as the last object in the hierarchy of the selected object.
Before – Insert the information element before the object selected.
After – Insert the information element after the object selected.
As First Child – Insert the information element as the first object in the hierarchy of the selected object.
Performs the search and displays the information elements that match the criteria in the results list.
Search results do not include translated information elements. Translated information elements are not permitted to be inserted as source objects in a service structure.
You can, however, replace a source information element with one of its translations, making it the new source. For more information, see Replace Translation Source.
Clears the contents of the Search On, Number, and Name fields.
Results List
Displays the results of the information element search that you performed.
Inserts your selections into the service structure.
Cancels all selections and closes the dialog box.
For more information about adding types of information elements, refer to:
Adding Textual Information Elements
Adding New or Existing Graphic Information Elements
Adding Parts List Information Elements