Интеграция с другими приложениями > Документация Windchill Workgroup Manager > Autodesk Inventor > Windchill Workgroup Manager Preferences > Load Drawing References When Drawing is Opened in Autodesk Inventor
Load Drawing References When Drawing is Opened in Autodesk Inventor
In wgmclient.ini file, you can set the following preference:
force.load.drawing.references: Controls whether to load drawing references in session when a drawing is opened in Autodesk Inventor.
Yes – Drawing dependents (references) will be fully loaded in Autodesk Inventor session provided the referenced models are available in Windchill workspace.
No (default) – No additional drawing dependents (references) will be loaded. Drawing dependents will be loaded according to Autodesk Inventor load options.
Setting this preference will have some performance impact that depends on the time taken by native CAD application to load all the references.
In the following example,
1. A drawing CONROD.idw references the part CONROD_CAP.ipt. The parameter values of CONROD_CAP.ipt are added in the parts list of CONROD.idw.
2. In Windchill Workgroup Manager workspace, modify the CONROD_CAP.ipt part as shown below:
Initial Parameter values:
111 (WF_INT1)
Modified Parameter values:
222 (WF_INT1)
3. With the preference force.load.drawing.references’ =Yes, CONROD.idw (drawing) displays the modified parameters of the part CONROD_CAP.ipt as shown in the following image.
If the preference force.load.drawing.references = No, you must reopen referenced part CONROD CAP_CHANGED.ipt in Autodesk Inventor to reflect the modified parameter values in CONROD.idw (drawing).