Базовое администрирование > Администрирование Windchill > Getting Started with Windchill Administration > The Next Steps
The Next Steps
After your administrators are established, individual administrators can log on and perform their administrative duties. For example, they can create products, libraries, projects, programs, and end users.
To understand what those duties might entail, refer to the following table:
Type of Administrator
Recommended Sections to Read
All administrators
Administration Overview - for general information.
Contexts - for major concepts about contexts.
Site administrator
Site - for details on using the Site functionality.
Organizations - for details on using the Organizations functionality and creating organization contexts.
Participants (Users, Groups, and Organizations) - for details about creating and managing users, groups, and organizations.
Organization administrator
Organizations - for details on using the Organizations functionality and creating organization contexts.
Participants (Users, Groups, and Organizations) - for details about creating and managing users and groups within your organization.
Product manager
Products and Libraries - for details on administering products and using the Products functionality.
Library manager
Products and Libraries - for details on administering libraries and using the Libraries functionality.
Project manager
Projects and Programs - for details on administering projects and using the Projects functionality.
Program manager
Projects and Programs - for details on administering programs and using the Programs functionality.
Shared team manager
Teams - for details on administering context teams and shared teams.
See also the section recommended for the context manager of any context in which the shared team is used.