Специализированное администрирование > Обеспечение безопасности данных > Метки безопасности и соглашения > Configuring Security Labels > Security Label Configuration Steps > Step 20: Display Security Labels in Table Views Command - Optional
Step 20: Display Security Labels in Table Views Command - Optional
Complete this step if you enabled the display of security labels in table views in Step 17: Display Security Labels in Table Views.
From within a windchill shell, run the following command to update the following property in the site.xconf file and propagate the change to the wt.properties file:
xconfmanager -s com.ptc.core.htmlcomp.createtableview.AvailableAttributesDigester.
AvailableAttributesSite.xml -t codebase/wt.properties -p
After completing the rest of the required configuration steps, users will be able to add the security labels you specified as columns in custom table views. Security labels and values do not display in a table unless a table view has been configured with the appropriate columns.