Стандартная настройка > Windchill Customization Basics > Adding Custom CSS Scripts to Windchill Client Architecture Pages
Adding Custom CSS Scripts to Windchill Client Architecture Pages
CSS Files
To add custom CSS scripts to Windchill client architecture pages, modify the netmarkets.presentation.cssFiles property in the site.xconf file to include the required CSS files. You can include multiple CSS files as a comma or semicolon-separated list as the property value. The order of the files is important. The files are loaded after the Windchill style sheets, so that the files override the default style.
<Property name=" netmarkets.presentation.cssFiles"
Customizing the Theme
It is recommended not to change any of the standard Windchill CSS style sheets. Instead, insert custom stylesheet files as described above. To discover the defined styles, start with the theme file:
Create CSS and logo files at the following path: <rootDir>/main/src_web/custom/<any subfolder>. For more information, see the article How to change the logo and other user-interface branding in Windchill Solutions.
Update the value of the netmarkets.presentation.cssFiles property available at <rootDir>/configurations/xconf/custom.site.xconf to point to the new CSS file.
Windchill Customization Basics