Creating a Variant Specification for an Option Set
You can create a new standalone variant specification in the context of an option set instead of a configurable module. This allows it to be used for any configurable module associated with the option set version using the New Variant Specification action available in the Saved Filters menu from the Part Structure Browser.
• The New Variant Specification action is available in Part Structure Browser only when you have the appropriate license.
• The New Variant Specification action is available in the Process Plan Browser if you have installed MPMLink.
• This action is available only when the com.ptc.windchill.option.variantspec.allowOptionSetVariantSpecificationCreate property is set to True. To create a variant specification or a managed option filter for an option set, when this property is enabled, ensure that the configurable modules property is enabled and the top level of the part structure is a configurable module. Variant specifications for configurable modules are not impacted by this property.
In the New Variant Specification window:
1. Provide the details for type, organizational identifier (available only when the Expose Organization preference is enabled), number, name, and location attributes for the new variant specification. This window also displays read-only details of the associated option set. Click Next in this window to move to the next step.
2. Define the filtering criteria for the variant specification. For more information, see
Editing a Structure Filter. The details in the
Option Filter tab of this window are pre-populated with the details from the current filter.
After successfully creating the new standalone variant specification

or the managed option filter

associated with the option set, the variant specification filter appears in the
Folder Contents table. The variant specification filter is applied to your current structure, and the recently used variant specifications now show the details of this newly created variant specification.
To view the details of this new standalone variant specification on the information page of the associated option set, add a new tab and select > > .