Using Quick Search in BOM Transformer
Quick search is relatively faster compared to the Find in Structure search in BOM Transformer. To search a part or parts using quick search, perform the following steps:
1. In the BOM Transformer toolbar, click

. The
Search dialog box opens.
2. Specify the search criteria using the following options:
a. In Search, type the name or number for a part. Specify multiple entries using semicolon ( ; ) as a separator.
b. In Search In, select the type of search. Select Name, or Number, or both to specify search based on part names or part numbers respectively.
3. Optional. Select the Match whole word only check box to specify search to match the word.
| The default selection in the Search In list is Name. |
4. Click Find All. The results are selected and highlighted in the tree structure.
The Search dialog box saves the last searched string. You can copy search strings from an excel file in the Search field. The multiple search strings are separated by a semicolon when you copy it to the Search field.
For more information on Find In Structure, click
Find in Structure.
| Quick search does not search for Made From parts. |