Associating Distribution Targets with Objects
To associate distribution targets to an object, use the following procedure:
1. Select the object or objects you would like to associate distribution targets to and click the information icon

. The information page for the selected object appears.
2. From the Actions menu select Associate Distribution Targets.
The Find Distribution Targets window opens. Use the Find Distribution Targets window to search for and select distribution targets using search criteria such as Number, Name, Type or Description. To search for every available distribution target leave all fields empty.
3. Click Search.
The Search Results table displays all available active distribution targets.
4. Select the check box next to one or more distribution targets.
5. Click OK.
The distribution targets you selected are associated with the object.
Setting the Preference to Enable the Ability to Associate and Remove Distribution Targets
You can specify the groups that will have permission to associate and remove distribution targets. To enable access to the associate and remove distribution targets action, use the following procedure:
1. Open the Preference Management utility using one of the following options.
◦ Click > > .
◦ Click > > .
2. Select > .
3. Click Enable ability to associate and remove distribution targets.
4. Set a preference to specify one or more groups that require access to
Associate Distribution Targets and
Remove Distribution Targets actions. Separate group names using commas.