Basic Customization > Windchill Customization Basics > Deployment Methodologies > Using the Code and Configuration Deployment (CCD) Utility > External Targets
External Targets
You can use the following targets for a CCD utility:
Target Name
Compiles the code and generates jar files at the temp location <CustomizationRootDir/temp/lib. It compiles java and rbInfo files.
You can change the name of temp directory by using the property.
For example, ant compile<name of temp directory>.
If the property is set during compilation, you must use the same property and set the same value during clean and deploy.
Copies the compiled code jars and all other files such as xconfs, UI artefacts to the Windchill installarea/directory. The custom schema changes configuration is also processed to reflect the updates in the Windchill install area/directory. For example, updates to the ser and db, sql files, etc. By default, the deploy target also deletes the temp directory created by compile. To avoid the deletion of temp directory, use the -Ddelete.temp=false​ property.
If the module structure has SchemaConfig.xml file, then its mandatory to run ant apply.schema after ant deploytarget.
Copies load files in Windchill Home and starts windchill (if it is down) and loads data.
The directory server and apache server must be started before executing this target.
User information is to be passed using the param-Dadministrator.username=<userName.
Executes compile deploy
Deletes the output of earlier compilation. It will delete the temp directory.