Administration > Type and Attribute Management Command-Line Tools > Exporting and Importing Type Information > Exporting Types > Exporting Attribute Group Visibility Rules
Exporting Attribute Group Visibility Rules
To export attribute group visibility rules (AGVRs), run the following command from within a Windchill shell:
windchill com.lcs.wc.load.ExtractAGAR -f <filename> -d <delimiter> -u <userID> –p <password> -t <exporttype>
where <filename> is the name of the export file, <delimiter> is the delimiter to separate values, <userID> and <password> are the user name and password of a site administrator, and <exporttype> is the specific type to be exported. For example:
windchill com.lcs.wc.load.ExtractAGAR -f all.csv -d , -u wcadmin –p wcadmin -t com.lcs.wc.color.LCSColor