Administration > Type and Attribute Management Command-Line Tools > Defining Custom Properties for Enumeration Entries > Custom Property Examples
Custom Property Examples
Retailer X has a list attribute called Brand. This Brand attribute can be configured on the Product type so that end users can specify if a given Product instance is developed for a given Brand attribute that is owned by Retailer X.
The Brand attribute has the following possible values:
Display Name
Internal Name
Retailer X publishes products from PTC FlexPLM to a downstream ERP system. The ERP system identifies the Brand attribute values as given below and the ERP system requires these values to be transmitted when publication occurs.
Acme = b001
Metro = b002
Entourage = b003
For example, if the product named #123 has a Brand attribute value of Metro in PTC FlexPLM and it is published to the ERP system, the ERP system expects to see a value of b002. To meet these requirements, Retailer X can configure a custom enumeration entry property named ERP Code to store the ERP-specific values for the Brand attribute. Once the ERP Code custom property has been created, an administrator can update the enumeration entries with the expected ERP Code property values.
The following example load file defines the ERP Code custom property, its default display name, localized display names, and descriptions:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE NmLoader SYSTEM "standardX24.dtd">

<csvSaveCustomPropertyDefinition handler=
<csvCustomPropertyDisplayName_Default>ERP Code
<csvCustomPropertyDisplayName_en_us>ERP Code
<csvCustomPropertyDisplayName_en_gb>ERP Code
<csvCustomPropertyDisplayName_fr>Code de ERP
<csvCustomPropertyDisplayName_es>Código de ERP
<csvCustomPropertyDescription>This is the code required by the ERP system