Generating Tech Packs with Linked Components for BOM Reports
Some tech packs have linked components, either linked to the specification or through a linked parent product. For single or multiple tech packs with linked components, you can control whether to include owning product variations in BOM reports. When generating a single tech pack on the Create Tech Pack window, the Include all owned Product variation information for BOM reports checkbox is disabled until you select a linked BOM as a component.
Administrators can control whether this checkbox is selected or cleared by default. This setting is controlled with a property entry in the file:
Selecting the BOM Checkbox
Select the Include all owned Product variation information for BOM reports checkbox to include owning product variation information for BOM reports in the tech pack.
• The BOM: Single BOM report determines the owning product’s variation set for each BOM. It generates a single BOM report for each variation combination for the set of owner variations. Each single BOM accurately reflects override information according to the set of variations for the given report. If you selected any variations for the tech pack in the header, it does not affect which variations are included in the report. All owning product variations are exported.
• The BOM: Colorway – Material Color report is a single report that shows all the materials used for the BOM. The report includes all colorway overrides, where the colorway columns contain all colorways on the owning product. The owning product contains a column for each colorway to indicate the color that is used. If you selected any variations for the tech pack in the header, it does not affect which variations are included in the report.
• The BOM: Sizing – Quantity report is a single report that shows all the materials used for the BOM. The report includes all size overrides, where the size columns contain all sizes on the owning product. The owning product contains a column for each size to indicate the quantity used for that size. If you selected any variations for the tech pack in the header, it does not affect which variations are included in the report.
When you select the BOM checkbox, if the owner of the referenced BOMs has multiple product size definitions (PSDs), then the report includes the super set of sizes across all PSDs on the parent product.
• If the user does not have access to one or more of the referenced product's PSDs, the sizes are not added to the set of sizes in the report.
• If the user does not have access to a given size within a PSD, but the size exists in a different PSD that the user has access to, then the size is included in the report.
Clearing the BOM Checkbox
Clear the Include all owned Product variation information for BOM reports checkbox to exclude owning product variation information for BOM reports in the tech pack.
• The BOM: Single BOM report is a single report showing the top-level BOM information. No additional pages are rendered for override information.
• The BOM: Colorway – Material Color report is a single report showing only the top-level material information. There are no colorway columns.
• The BOM: Sizing – Quantity report is a single report showing only the top-level material information. There are no size columns.