Report Options in Tech Packs
When you are generating a tech pack, these reports appear under the Page Options and Reports section.
Out-of-the-box, PTC FlexPLM includes three BOM reports, two measurements reports, and two tracked changes reports. Each BOM report is generated for each BOM selected, and each measurements report is generated for the measurements set selected.
BOM: Colorway – Material Color
The BOM: Colorway – Material Color report generates a PDF of each of the requested BOMs, representing the previously selected colorways. The columns displayed in each section of the table are defined by the view you select for that BOM section.
For each BOM section, the report lists all materials and the material color used for each colorway. The table includes a primary row for each material used. Colors are indicated by name where appropriate, and a shaded cell with an X indicates that a material is not used for that colorway.
This report displays subassembly (complex material) information. Components that are part of a complex material are displayed on separate, indented rows below the main component. Colors are indicated where appropriate by name, and a shaded cell with an X indicates that a material is not used for that colorway.
You can control the number of colorways that are displayed in the table by entering a numerical value for the Number of Colorways per page field in the Page Options section. Entering a value of 2, for example, alters the report’s appearance, reducing the number of colorways in each section. The additional colorways are displayed in a table in a repeated BOM section.
You can also select the Show Color Swatches and Show Material Thumbnails checkboxes.
BOM: Single BOM
The BOM: Single BOM report generates a single PDF with a separate table for each dimension combination (colorway-size-destination) selected. This report is most useful when you want to export a specific subset of dimensions.
Based upon the number of colorways, sizes, and destinations selected, the system might generate a PDF with a large number of pages. This report might take longer to generate than the other out of the box reports, and can slow down system performance while running. The columns displayed in each section of the table are defined by the view you select for that BOM section.
BOM: Sizing – Quantity
The BOM: Sizing – Quantity report generates a PDF of each of the requested BOMs representing the previously selected Sizes. The columns displayed in each section of the table are defined by the view you select for that BOM section.
For each BOM section, the report lists all materials and the quantity for each size using that material. The table includes a primary row for each material used, and indicates the quantity of that material needed for each size. Material overrides are again indented under the primary material row in this report, and a shaded cell with an X indicates that the material is not used for a specific size.
This report only contains quantity values for sizes in the BOM if the size override values match the selected sizes.
This report displays subassembly (complex material) information. Components that are part of a complex material are displayed on separate, indented rows below the main component. Sizes are indicated where appropriate by quantity, and a shaded cell with an X indicates that a material is not used for that size.
You can control the number of sizes that are displayed in the table by entering a numerical value for the Number of Sizes per page field in the Page Options section. Entering a value of 3, for example, alters the report’s appearance, reducing the number of sizes per section. The additional sizes are displayed in a table in a repeated BOM section. You can also choose to show material thumbnails by selecting the Show Material Thumbnails checkbox in the Page Options section.
Measurement Set: FitSpec
The Measurement Set: FitSpec report displays three sample values: Requested, Actual, and New.
• The Requested value is the requested value of the last sample.
• The Actual value is the actual value of the last sample.
• The New value is the new value requested of the current sample.
The report also displays the sample number, measurement name, tolerances, and comments.
Actual values that are greater than the requested values are displayed in red.
Measurement Set: Grades
The Measurement Set: Grades report generates a PDF of the selected measurements sets on that particular specification. You must select the relevant sizes for the measurement set to appear in the report, or you receive an error.
To control the number of sizes that are displayed in the table, enter a numerical value for the Number of Sizes per page field in the Page Options section. Entering a value of 3, for example, alters the report’s appearance, reducing the number of sizes per page. The additional sizes are on subsequent pages, and include the shaded base size for reference.
Tracked Changes: Expanded
The Tracked Changes: Expanded report provides details about the components selected for change tracking. Each component table indicates the user identity, date and time of the last check-in, changed item attribute and details about the prior value to the current value. Use the expanded version of the report if you need to share greater detail for tracked changes.
Tracked Changes: Condensed
The Tracked Changes: Condensed report shows a summary of tracked changes, showing the component changed, the initial value, and the current value. Use the condensed version of the report if you need to share less detail for tracked changes.