PTC FlexPLM Fundamentals > Tech Pack Generation > Administering Document Inclusion in Tech Pack Generation
Administering Document Inclusion in Tech Pack Generation
Specifying Available Documents
You can use the Type and Attribute Management utility to specify which document types are available for selection when generating tech packs. From the Type and Attribute Management utility, navigate to the subtype you want to configure, and select the Include In Tech Pack Generation attribute. For more information, see Setting Attribute Properties and Attribute Information Page.
This attribute is inherited by all document subtypes. You must override the formula property to configure this functionality for document subtypes.
On the attribute information page for the Include In Tech Pack Generation attribute, enter a value for the Formula field.
Enter 0.0 if you do not want the document type and any of its instances to be available for selection when generating tech packs. Documents of this type do not appear in the Available Reference Documents section.
Enter 1.0 if you want the document type and any of its instances to be available for selection when generating tech packs. If the document instances of this type meet all other criteria for valid documents, they appear in the Available Reference Documents section.
By default, the system sets this value to 0.0 for all document types; therefore, no document types or their instances are available for selection when generating tech packs.
Attribute Identification Details and Values
The table below describes the attribute used to configure document inclusion in tech packs. This attribute is available out-of-the-box.
Attribute Detail
Internal Name
Display Name
The out-of-the-box label is Include In Tech Pack Generation. The name of this attribute appears differently if the label has been modified.
Data Type
Real Number
FlexPLM Attribute Type
Default value
Possible values
0.0 or 1.0
Attribute Inheritance
The Include In Tech Pack Generation attribute exists on the document root type, and is inherited by all document subtypes and their children. If you want a child document type to have a different document inclusion designation than its parent type, then you must update the attribute value for the child document type.
To change the attribute value for a child document type, you must override the formula property for the Include In Tech Pack Generation attribute on the given type. After you have created the property override, you can update the attribute value for the given child type.
If the child document type has children of its own, those children inherit the overridden attribute and its value.
Including Documents in Pre-Configured Specification Requests
You can use the following property setting to automatically select document types as part of a pre-configured specification request.
To configure the property setting to work with your pre-configured specification requests, replace the above variables as follows:
Replace SpecificationRequestName with the name of the pre-configured specification request. The two out-of-the-box specification requests are Development and Product; however, you might have configured additional specification requests.
Replace DocumentTypes with the document types you want to include. If you want to include multiple document types, enter them as a comma separated list.
Document subtypes are entered as property setting values as Document\\Subtype, where Subtype is the name of the subtype.
Including Secondary Content in Pre-Configured Specification Requests
You can use the following property setting to automatically select secondary content as part of a pre-configured specification request.
To configure the property setting to work with your pre-configured specification requests, replace the variables as follows:
Replace SpecificationRequestName with the name of the pre-configured specification request. The two out-of-the-box specification requests are Development and Product; however, you might have configured additional specification requests.
Set the value of the property setting to true or false. Setting the value to true automatically includes secondary content when the pre-configured specification is selected. Setting the value to false excludes secondary content.
Specifying the Default Document Type for Vaulted Tech Packs
You can use the following property setting to automatically select a specific document type for vaulted tech packs. The system automatically selects the specified document type and inserts it as the value for the Vault Document Type field when generating tech packs.
com.lcs.wc.document.documentVault.document.flexType=Document\\Generated Tech Pack
The out-of-the-box value for this property setting is Document\\Generated Tech Pack. By default, the system automatically selects the GeneratedTechPack document type for vaulted tech packs. You can update this property setting to automatically select a different type.
Users can change the document type to a subtype of the type specified by the above property setting. When generating tech packs, users can click the Vault Document Type field, and select a subtype of the given type as the document type for the vaulted tech pack.
Automatic Asynchronous Tech Pack Generation
You can use the following property settings to automatically generate tech packs asynchronously; these property settings control whether or not the system automatically selects the Generate Tech Pack in Background checkbox when generating tech packs. This functionality is disabled by default. Out-of-the-box, the value for both property settings is false, and users must manually select asynchronous tech pack generation.
To specify automatic asynchronous tech pack generation when generating single tech packs, change the following property setting to true:
To specify automatic asynchronous tech pack generation when generating multiple tech packs, change the following property setting to true:
In addition, the following property settings are used to indicate which classes and methods are used to execute asynchronous tech pack generation.
These property settings are provided for informational purposes. If you are not creating customizations, do not make any changes to these property settings.
When you are generating a single tech pack, the following settings apply:
When you are generating multiple tech packs, the following settings apply: