Viewing Where Used Information for Size Definition Templates
You can use the where used functionality to identify which products and product measurement sets are based on a given size definition template.
Accessing Where Used Information
You can access the Where Used page for the size definition template one of two ways:
• From the Size Definition Templates table in the size definition library, select > for the size definition template whose where used information you want to view.
• From the View Size Definition Template page, select Where Used from the Actions menu.
Where Used Page
The Where Used page for size definition templates includes the Where Used For box, which displays the name and object type of the size definition template.
The where used information is categorized by products and product measurement sets. The Product Size Definition tab includes the Used By table that lists the names of those products whose product size definition is based on the given size definition template. The Product Measurements Sets tab includes the Used By table that lists those product measurement sets that are associated to the given size definition template.