PTC FlexPLM Fundamentals > Size Definitions and Colorway-Size Variations > Colorway-Size Variations > Accessing Colorway-Sizes
Accessing Colorway-Sizes
You access colorway-sizes from the product Sizing page. Colorway-sizes are accessible from the individual Product Size Definition Details tab for the size definition to which they are associated.
The tab displays the colorway-size section beneath the Header Attributes section. The main feature of the colorway-size section is the colorway-size table, which lists the colorway-size variations and their current status.
From this section, you can control the layout of the colorway-size table through views and checkboxes, export the colorway-size table, and activate and deactivate colorway-size variations.
The Colorway-Size Table
The colorway-size table displays the current colorway-size variations for the given product size definition. By default, the table displays the following columns:
The actions column, which allows you to access the Actions menu for each colorway-size variation. The Actions menu includes options based on your access control permissions for the type associated to the given colorway-size variation. Additional menu options appear based on the status of the given colorway-size variation and what information is included in the table.
The Colorway column, which lists the name of the colorway
The Active column, which indicates if the given colorway-size variation is active. Refer to the related topics for details on working with this column.
The size column, which lists the size for the given colorway-size variation. This column is labeled with the name of the size, such as “Alpha” or “Numeric;” the column name itself is not “size.”
The Season column, which appears if the Show Colorway-Size to Season checkbox is selected.
The Source column, which appears if the Show Colorway-Size to Source checkbox is selected.
You can control the appearance of the colorway-size table.
Click Hide/Show Columns to display or hide columns in the table.
Click the name of the column to sort the column alphabetically or to reverse the order if the column has already been sorted. By default, the system sorts the colorway-size table based on the order of sizes in the product size definition. To access table sorting options, click Sort Options and select columns to sort the table.
You cannot sort the Active column.
You can also create and apply views to the table. When defining views, both out-of-the-box (such as colorway, size, season, source, and active) and system information (such as created by, modified on, state, and type) columns are available for inclusion. You can also include any attribute designated for view inclusion on the colorway-size type that is bound to the associated product type, including attributes on the Colorway-Size, Colorway-Size to Season, and Colorway-Size to Source types.
The Actions column is included automatically; you do not need to select it. The Actions column is always first column on the left in any view you create.
Rows with repeated colorway names are shaded to allow for easier viewing and visual distinction between colorways that can be associated to more than one size.
The Colorway-Size Table Row Actions Menu
The following options are available from the colorway-size table row Actions menu.
Menu Option
Criteria for Display
Always displayed.
Always displayed.
Activate Colorway-Size
Displayed when the given colorway-size is inactive.
Activate Colorway-Size to Season
Displayed when the colorway-size is active but inactive for the associated season and the Show Colorway-Size to Season checkbox are selected. The colorway-size must be associated to a season.
Activate Colorway-Size to Source
Displayed when the colorway-size is active and active for the associated season but inactive for the particular source. Both the Show Colorway-Size to Season and Show Colorway-Size to Source checkboxes must be selected. The given colorway-size must be associated to a season and source, and the colorway must be associated to and active for the source.
Deactivate Colorway-Size
Displayed when the given colorway-size is active.
Deactivate Colorway-Size to Season
Displayed when the given colorway-size is active for the associated season and the Show Colorway-Size to Season checkbox is selected. The colorway-size must be associated to a season.
Deactivate Colorway-Size to Source
Displayed when the given colorway-size is active for the associated source and the Show Colorway-Size to Source checkbox is selected. The colorway-size must be associated to a source, and the colorway must be associated to and active for the source.
The Main Colorway-Size Table Actions Menu
There is also a main colorway-size table Actions menu that appears above the colorway-size table. For more information on functionality in this menu, see Updating Multiple Colorway-Sizes and Activating and Deactivating Multiple Colorway-Sizes.