Administration > Size Definition and Colorway-Sizes Administration > Colorway-Size Types and Attributes
Colorway-Size Types and Attributes
You can use the Type and Attribute Management utility to manage colorway-size types and attributes. The colorway-size object represents the individual colorway and size combination variations of a product.
Colorway-Size Types and Type Hierarchy
You can create and define colorway-size types and the colorway-size type hierarchy according to your business needs. All colorway-sizes are typed using the colorway-size type hierarchy.
The out-of-the-box colorway-size type is the primary type, which is called Colorway-Size. You can create additional subtypes using the Type and Attribute Management utility.
Colorway-Size Attributes
You can create colorway-size attributes to allow users to enter additional information about colorway-size variations. An example attribute is a barcode or item number for a small red tee shirt versus a medium red tee shirt.
Colorway-size definition attributes can be created on one of three types:
The Colorway-Size primary type, which is used for attributes that define the colorway-size in general
The Colorway-Size to Season secondary type, which is used for attributes that define the colorway-size as it applies to a particular season
The Colorway-Size to Source secondary type, which is used for attributes that define the colorway-size as it applies to a particular source