PTC FlexPLM Fundamentals > Samples > Auto Populate Sample Due Date on Material Sample Type > Configuring Attributes in FlexPLM
Configuring Attributes in FlexPLM
To create two date attributes for sample due date functionality, follow these steps:
1. To set the Sample Request Due Date attribute on material sample request type:
Attribute Characteristics
Internal Name
Update the value admin defined in the com.lcs.wc.sample.Sample\\Material.samplerequestduedate property.
Display Label
Admin Defined
Table Editable
In Search Results
FlexPLM Attribute Type
2. To set the Sample Due Date attribute on material sample type:
Attribute Characteristics
Internal Name
Update the value admin defined in the com.lcs.wc.sample.Sample\\Material.sampleduedate property.
Display Label
Admin Defined
FlexPLM Attribute Type
3. To create Iterative Number attribute on sample request. You can create attributes only if auto create feature is disabled.
Attribute Characteristics
Internal Name
Update the value Admin Defined in the com.lcs.wc.sample.Sample.sampleReqIterativeNo property.
Display Label
Admin Defined
This attribute should be hidden, should not be available in the layout.
FlexPLM Attribute Type
Default Value
Each material sample or sample request soft type can have different due date attributes as per the business requirement and same can be configured through properties as specified in the table above.