Viewing Specification to Part Values
After a part has been associated to a specification, you can view the details of that part association from the Parts table by selecting View from the Action menu of the row where the part is listed.
The View Specification to Part details page displays header information, variation values, and any other attributes that have been configured on the Specification to Part relationship. The header contains the specification name, source name, product name, part name, part number, and part version and iteration details. Variation values include details such as colorways, sizing information, and destination attributes. Variation values capture the details for which product variations the part is applicable.
Visibility of variations and type attributes is dependent on user permissions. You only see the variations that you are authorized to view.
When you are done viewing the
View Specification to Part details, you can close the window and return to the
Specifications details page. The
Parts table appears in expanded view. The
Update Specification to Part details page also provides a link that allows you to update the values related to the part and specification. That process is explained in
Updating Specification to Part Values.