PTC FlexPLM Fundamentals > Measurements > Working with the Measurement Editor > Working with the Measurement Table Editor
Working with the Measurement Table Editor
The measurement table displays the current points of measure in the template or set. The measurement table defaults to the Measurement Set tab. Both measurement templates and product measurement sets also display the current grade rules in a separate Grade Rules tab.
Click the name of the column to sort the contents in alphabetical or numerical order. Clicking the name of a sorted column reverses the sort order.
To update information in the table, select the table cell and enter the updates. Click Save or Save & Check In to apply the changes.
The Measurement Set Tab
The Measurement Set tab displays all of the points of measure contained within the measurement template or product measurement set.
For information on using the icons in the Measurement Set tab, see Icons in the Measurement Table Editor.
The Measurement Set tab includes the following columns:
Contains the actions icon . Click the icon to insert rows, delete rows, copy rows, or paste grade rules.
Contains a checkbox for each point of measure (POM). The checkboxes in this column are used in conjunction with the measurement table editor icons.
Displays the POM number, if one has been assigned.
Displays the name of the POM.
Placement Amount
Displays the numeric value of the placement amount for the POM. This column is used with the Placement Reference column.
Placement Reference
Provides information about how and where to measure the POM. This column is used with the Placement Amount column.
If applicable, displays the assigned criticality value for the POM when the point of measure was created (either critical, detail, or secondary).
If applicable, displays the section to which the POM is assigned.
Tol (+) and Tol (-)
Display the numeric values for POM tolerances.
The measurement and grade rule template tables can include an HTM Instruction column, which displays any how-to-measure information entered in the HTM Instruction field for the measurement template.
For product measurement sets, the table displays a column for each size that belongs to the product measurement set and the corresponding value for each POM and size combination.
The Grade Rules Tab
The Grade Rules tab displays all of the grade rules contained within the grade rule template or product measurement set.
The Grade Rules tab contains the same columns as the Measurement Set tab. The empty column in the Measurement Set tab corresponds to the Grade Rule Increment column in the Grade Rules tab.
The Grade Rule Increment column on the Grade Rules tab allows you to enter a grade rule that is applied to all sizes for the given POM. The way the increment is applied depends on the grading method you selected when you created the grade rule template.
Enter a numerical value in the Grade Rule Increment column for the given POM. Click the apply increment icon to apply the grade rule value to all sizes for the given POM. The system automatically updates the grade rule value for each size, based on the grading method.
Grading Method
Sizes increase by the specified increment, based on the value of the previous size, working away from the base size.
Sizes increase by the specified increment, based on the value of the base size and their location in the table relative to the base size, working away from the base size.
The grading method does not affect the way the measurement values are displayed in the measurement table. The measurement values for both incremental and relative are the same. The difference is in the way they are calculated.