PTC FlexPLM Fundamentals > Measurements > Creating and Managing Measurement Libraries > Creating and Managing Points of Measure
Creating and Managing Points of Measure
From the POM library, you can create and manage points of measure (POMs). Click the POM Library tab to create and/or access the POM library.
The POM library displays POMs in a table that contains columns with various action icons. The POM table also includes a checkbox column, which is used when selecting POMs for copy.
Creating Points of Measure
To create a POM, follow these steps:
1. Click New. The Create POM panel appears to the right of the POM library.
2. In the POM # field, enter an identifying number for the POM. This identifier can be a combination of numbers and letters. This field is required.
3. In the Name field, enter a name for the POM. Descriptive names identify the precise points of measure involved in the POM. This field is required.
4. Optionally, complete the following information:
In the Comments field, enter text comments.
From the Criticality list, select Critical, Detail, or Secondary.
In the HTM Instruction field, enter instructions for measuring the POM.
In the New Measurement field, enter new measurement instructions.
From the Section list, select a section to group similar POMs together.
In the Tol (+) and Tol (-) fields, enter numerical tolerance values in either decimal or fraction format. Values entered in fraction format are automatically converted to decimal format when you move to the next field. Tolerance values must be entered as positive numbers.
From the Placement Amount list, select a placement amount. This value, with the Placement Reference value, provides placement information for the user.
From the Placement Reference list, select a placement reference. This value, with the Placement Amount value, provides placement information for the user.
Under Image, click Browse to select an image file to associate with the POM. When you have located the image you want to associate to the POM, click Open. The file path appears in the New File field.
5. Click Create. The system displays the newly created POM in the POM library.
Updating Points of Measure
To update a POM, follow these steps:
1. Click the update POM icon for a given POM to display the Update POM section to the right of the POM table.
The Update POM section contains the same attributes as the Create POM section.
The attributes for the POM appear in their respective fields. You can update the values by selecting new values from the lists or entering new values in the fields.
To update a POM image, click Browse. Navigate to the image that you want to associate to the POM. After you have selected the image for upload, click Open. The path of the image appears in the New File field.
To remove a POM image without uploading a replacement image, click Remove.
2. When you have finished making your changes, click Save.
Viewing Where Used Information for Points of Measure
Click the where used icon to view the Where Used page. This page contains tabs for Measurement Templates, Grade Rule Templates, Product Measurement Sets, and Product Samples.
Click Back to return to the measurement library page.
Copying Points of Measure
You can copy points of measure to the clipboard for use within measurement and grade rule templates.
1. To copy a POM from the POM library, select the checkbox for the corresponding POM you want to copy.
You can copy multiple POMs.
2. Click the copy selected POMs to the clipboard icon . The Clipboard window appears. POMs on the clipboard are available to paste into measurement templates, grade rule templates, and product measurement sets.
You can delete POMs from the clipboard by clicking the delete icon for a given POM.
Deleting Points of Measure
To delete a POM, follow these steps:
1. Click the delete POM icon next to the POM you want to delete. The system prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the POM, and warns you that all references to the POM will be deleted.
2. Click OK. A second confirmation message appears to confirm that you want to permanently delete the POM.
3. Click OK.