Creating and Managing Measurement Templates
From the measurements library, click the Measurement Templates tab to create, access, and manage measurement templates.
Creating Measurement Templates
To create a measurement template, follow these steps:
1. Click New. The Create New Measurement Template panel appears.
2. In the Name field, enter a name for the measurement template. This field is required.
3. Optionally, complete the following information:
◦ From the Unit of Measure list, select a unit of measure (UOM). Your selection dictates the UOM for all points of measure in the measurement template.
◦ From the Size Category list, select a size category.
◦ From the Product Type list, select a product type.
◦ In the Variation field, enter information for the variation.
◦ From the Status list, select a status.
◦ In the Comments field, enter text comments.
◦ Under Image, click Browse to select an image file to associate with the POM. When you have located the image you want to associate to the POM, click Open. The file path appears in the New File field.
4. Click Create to save the measurement template.
Viewing Measurement Templates
To view a measurement template, click the view icon
for that measurement template. The
View Measurement Template page appears. For more information about this page, see
Viewing Measurement and Grade Rule Templates.
Updating Measurement Templates
To update a measurement template, click the update measurement template icon
for that measurement template. The
Update Measurement Template page appears. For more information about this page, see
Working with the Measurement Editor.
| You must click the update measurement template icon to add points of measure to the measurement template. |
Viewing Where Used Information
Click the where used icon
to view the
Where Used page. This page displays tabs for
As Object Reference,
As Object Reference(History), and
Product Measurement Sets. For more information, see
Measurement Libraries—Where Used.
Copying Measurement Templates
To copy a measurement template, follow these steps:
1. Click the copy icon
for the measurement template you want to copy. The
Copy Measurements Template page appears.
2. In the Name field, enter a new name for the copied measurement template. The system automatically enters the name of the measurement template that you are copying.
3. Update the other fields as needed.
4. Click
Save to create your measurement template. The
Update Measurement Template page for the newly created measurement template appears. For more information about this page, see
Working with the Measurement Editor.
5. When you have finished updating the measurement template, click Save & Check In. The system saves your changes, closes the measurement editor, and returns you to the measurement template library.
Deleting Measurement Templates
To delete a measurement template, follow these steps:
1. Click the delete icon
next to the measurement template you want to delete. The system prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the measurement template.
2. Click OK. A second confirmation message appears to confirm that you want to permanently delete the measurement template.
3. Click OK.