AIX Platform
Binaries for ImageMagick and Ghostscript are available at several websites dedicated to open source code on AIX. One is the
AIX open source website. The site includes installation instructions and all dependencies needed for these binaries. Use the search function to find each particular installation in the website.
Knowledge of the rpm utility is essential for installation.
1. Add the settings of the environment variables into your profile resource file. This is essential to ensure proper execution and performance of ImageMagick and Ghostscript. The settings are:
setenv MAGICK_HOME /usr/local
setenv LIBPATH usr/lib:{$MAGICK_HOME}/lib:{$LIBPATH}
set path=($MAGICK_HOME/bin $path)
2. To display the list of supported file types that ImageMagick can support, enter the following command: /usr/local/bin/identify -list format
If the list displayed is empty, then an environment setting is not correct. Verify that the MAGICK_HOME setting is /usr/local and verify that you made no typos during the installation for any environment variables. The settings are:
setenv MAGICK_HOME /usr/local
setenv LIBPATH usr/lib:{$MAGICK_HOME}/lib:{$LIBPATH}
set path=($MAGICK_HOME/bin $path)
3. To verify that ImageMagick is working properly, type the following on the command line:
convert logo: logo.gif
identify logo.gif
display logo.gif