Administration > ImageMagick for PTC FlexPLM > Configuring FlexPLM to Use ImageMagick > Configuring FlexPLM for Image Generation
Configuring FlexPLM for Image Generation
Image Generation Mode Attribute
The attribute that controls web-viewable and thumbnail generation is a constant attribute with the internal name imageGenerationMode. It is defined for the Document type, and is inherited by its subtypes. You can see this out-of-the-box attribute by signing in to FlexPLM, navigating to the Type and Attribute Management utility, and selecting the Document root type.
This attribute is created when loading the Required_Document_and_Image_Attributes.txt file, using the Load File administration tool. Loading this file is mandatory and is taken care of during the installation process of FlexPLM. This file is at <Windchill>\loadFiles\locsLoadFiles\Required_Document_and_Image_Attributes.txt.
Attribute Characteristic
Internal name
Display label
Image Generation Mode
This attribute can be overridden on every subtype under the Document type.
There are currently four recognized values for this constant attribute:
Image Generation Mode Description
Both thumbnail and viewable generation are not performed.
Only thumbnail generation is performed.
Only viewable generation is performed.
Both thumbnail and viewable generation is performed.
Special Handling for Image Pages
Web-viewable generation for image pages always takes place. If the uploaded file is not a web-viewable file format, a web-viewable file is created.
When a web-viewable thumbnail is generated from a multi-page or multi-artboard source, the thumbnail is based on the first page or artboard of the source file.
If the image generation feature is enabled with the file (com.lcs.wc.document.imageGeneration.enabled=true), and thumbnail generation for image pages is also enabled (com.lcs.wc.imageGeneration.createImagePageThumbnail=true), then a thumbnail is automatically generated for an image page, based on the image in cell 1.
To create image pages, the Image Generation Mode attribute must be set to 3 and ImageMagick and Ghostscript must be installed. The ImageMagick location must be specified in the file with the property com.lcs.wc.document.imageGeneration.ImageMagickHome.