Perform the Upgrade
Upgrade the source server to move from 10.1 M040 or 10.1 M050 to the target system using the Upgrade Manager.
If any workflow process context variables include a variable declaration of an abstract or removed class due to model changes, errors occur when performing certain actions.
• Classes include one of the abstract classes listed in LCSCostSheet, LCSSeasonProductLink, or one of the removed classes (WTPartMaster instances for LCSMaterial, LCSSeason, FlexBOMPart, or FlexSpecification).
• Actions include cleanup of associated open or closed workflow processes triggered by deleting a PTC FlexPLM business object, such as a colorway or cost sheet.
During the upgrade, the FX24MigratorWfExecutedObjectBlob migrator checks all WfExecutionObject instances, including all workflow process instances for references to the classes changed in the model.
If there are any invalid workflow variable class references in completed, closed, or terminated processes, the migrator updates the variables to reference the new valid classes.