Configuring the Thumbnail Location on Windows-Based Systems
If the system is Windows-based, follow these steps:
1. Open and add the following information:
2. Modify the app-RFA-Auth.conf file by adding the following information.
File slashes are important. Do not change the format of slashes shown here.
#RewriteEngine on
#RewriteRule ^/Windchill/images(.+)
http://hostname/RFAImages/$1 [R]
### Rewrite rule is only needed if existing images are already in the system.
This ensures references to Windchill/images get redirect to new location
Alias /RFAImages "//hostname/imagesShare"
<Directory "//hostname/imagesShare">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<LocationMatch ^/RFAImages(;.*)?>
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
AuthName "Windchill"
Options -Indexes
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider Windchill-EnterpriseLdap Windchill-AdministrativeLdap
require valid-user
3. Ensure that the shared location is accessible without authentication. If authentication is required, add Windchill as a service and change the service to log on as a user who can access the shared location. You must also set up the AuthBasicProvider for custom location matches that are not part of out-of-the-box installations. The content of AuthBasicProvider must match the values of AuthBasicProvider in app-Windchill-Auth.conf.
4. For a cluster, ensure that all nodes point to one specific share. See the “Image Alias Examples” section in
Proxy Configuration Examples.