Installation and Upgrade > Installing and Configuring PTC FlexPLM > Creating a New Installation of PTC FlexPLM > Planning an Update > Update Paths
Update Paths
The valid update paths are as follows:
From Windchill PDMLink 11.0 F000 or 11.0 M010 with PTC FlexPLM 11.0 F000 or 11.0 M010
To Windchill PDMLink 11.0 M030 with PTC FlexPLM 11.0 M030
If you are currently running a release that is before PTC FlexPLM 10.1 M040, then refer to PTC Tech Support or to obtain the latest migration, upgrade, and update documentation as needed.
If you are unsure of the supported migration, upgrade, or update paths for your release, check the PTC FlexPLM software matrix and review with PTC Tech Support.