Creating Database Tables, Views, Sequences, and Base Data
If you manually populate the DB schema, follow these steps to configure the database.
1. Open a command prompt.
2. Change the command prompt drive letter to the drive letter on which Windchill is installed.
3. Navigate to the <Windchill>\db\sql* directory.
4. Log on to SQL.
◦ For Oracle, log on to a SQLPlus session and run the @com\lcs\Make_pkg_ALL.sql script.
For example, enter sqlplus <user name>/<password> to log on, and enter @com\lcs\Make_pkg_ALL.sql to execute the script.
◦ For SQL Server, use the execute_sql_script script, which is located in the <Windchill>/db/sqlserver folder.
For example, enter execute_sql_script com\lcs\Make_pkg_ALL.sql to execute the script.