Installation and Upgrade > Installing and Configuring PTC FlexPLM > Creating a New Installation of PTC FlexPLM > Additional Configuration for Nonstandard Installations > Creating Database Tables, Views, Sequences, and Base Data
Creating Database Tables, Views, Sequences, and Base Data
If you manually populate the DB schema, follow these steps to configure the database.
1. Open a command prompt.
2. Change the command prompt drive letter to the drive letter on which Windchill is installed.
3. Navigate to the <Windchill>\db\sql* directory.
4. Log on to SQL.
For Oracle, log on to a SQLPlus session and run the @com\lcs\Make_pkg_ALL.sql script.
For example, enter sqlplus <user name>/<password> to log on, and enter @com\lcs\Make_pkg_ALL.sql to execute the script.
For SQL Server, use the execute_sql_script script, which is located in the <Windchill>/db/sqlserver folder.
For example, enter execute_sql_script com\lcs\Make_pkg_ALL.sql to execute the script.