Creating Comments
A comment is a message written in response to a discussion topic or to a previous comment.
You can attach up to five local files to a comment, as well as up to three links to a website or a PTC FlexPLM object. Once posted, other team members can reply directly to your comment.
1. Navigate to the
Discussions table and click the new comment icon
next to a topic. To reply to a comment, click the new comment icon
next to that comment.
Alternatively, you can click a topic name to open the single topic view window. Click the new comment icon
on the
Comments table toolbar. You can also select
New Comment from the right-click actions menu of a topic in the
My Discussions table.
The New Comment window opens.
2. If necessary, under the Set Attributes step, use the Topic list to change the topic under which you want the comment to appear.
| This option is not available if you are replying to a previous comment. |
3. Provide a brief title for your comment in the Subject field. If you leave this field blank, the title No Subject appears above your comment.
4. Write your comment in the Message field. Enter up to 4,000 characters.
5. Under the Add Attachments step, click Browse to select up to five local files to upload and post with your comment. Click Next.
| If you are replying to a previous comment, any attachments included in the parent comment are not included in your reply. |
6. Under the Add Links step, use the following fields to link to a website or to an object within PTC FlexPLM:
◦ Link Name—Enter a name for the link.
If you leave this field blank, the full URL path is displayed in your comment.
◦ URL—Enter a path to the link destination.
▪ To link to a website, enter the web address into the URL field.
▪ To link to a
PTC FlexPLM object, click the find icon
to open the
URL window. Use the search fields provided to locate the object to which you want to link.
7. Click Finish to post your comment and close the window. Click Apply to post your comment and then create another.
Save Draft to save the comment without posting it. If necessary, you can later modify the comment and post it when you are ready. For more information, see
Posting Draft Comments.
Once posted, you cannot edit your comment, but you can delete it later if needed. For more information, see
Closing or Deleting Discussions.