Costing Property Settings
Costing property settings are entered in the file.
Comment lines located in the file provide examples of many of the costing property settings.
These topics outline the costing property settings that are available. The out-of-the-box feature is described first, followed by the configuration that can be performed to alter the property setting. The variable components of the code are in italics.
Components of the code that must be replaced with an internal name are in italics and are enclosed within angle brackets (< >). Do not include these brackets in the code. Replace the example component with the internal names you want to use.
In the following example, <value> must be replaced with the appropriate code (without the angle brackets).
For example, to enable cost sheets, set the property to true and update the property setting in as follows:
The file is blank by default. Insert the lines of code into the file as detailed in the property settings topics. Modify the components in italics or the components enclosed within angle brackets as needed. The order in which the property settings are entered does not affect their functionality.