Configuring the Change Tracking Plug-In
To enable the change tracking functionality, you must register the change tracking server-side plug-in. Enter the following property setting in the file:<plug-in number>=targetClass|<target class name>^targetType|<object Type name>^pluginClass|<name of event handler class>^pluginMethod|<name of plug-in class method used to handle event>^event|<type of change event>^priority|<priority number>
There are seven variables in the property setting above. An example property setting is included at the end of this topic.
Set the plug-in class to
com.lcs.wc.changeAudit.DefaultChangeAuditPlugins if your system does not require customization. The system uses the specified processor class defined in the
changeTracking.xml file to process tracking logic for the target class.
The table below outlines the supported change events, as well as the mapping between the change events and the corresponding plug-in methods.
Change Event
Plug-In Method
Check In Events
The POST_CHECK_IN event is not supported for all objects; it is only supported when tracking bills of materials, construction sets, image pages, and measurement sets, due to the manner in which these four objects are edited. If you are logging changes upon check in, do not log changes on update events. To simplify event logging, use the check in event only for these four objects, as once the object is checked in, all relevant changes are tracked.
Delete Events
While you can register delete events, the system only logs delete events for certain objects due to the fact that once an object is deleted, there might not be a place within the system to view events related to that object. Currently, the system logs delete events only for those objects below the product object. If your business needs require the system to log delete events for other objects, you must create a class override as well as a custom report in order to view them.
The property setting below is an example for tracking product update events.|com.lcs.wc.product.LCSProduct^targetType|ALL^pluginClass|com.lcs.wc.changeAudit.DefaultChangeAuditPlugins^pluginMethod|trackUpdateObject^event|PRE_UPDATE_PERSIST^priority|1000