PTC FlexPLM Fundamentals > Bill of Materials > About the Bill of Materials > Impact of the BOM on Processes
Impact of the BOM on Processes
The Bill of Materials (BOM) affects many garment design and manufacturing processes.
Procurement—Because the BOM may contain detailed information about the components required to create a Product, it can be used as a guide when ordering supplies. You can add information such as Supplier, Price, Quantity, and Supplier Reference Names and Numbers to your BOM View to facilitate this process.
Material Aggregation—Because the BOM lists materials used to create a Product, Where Used information for a specific Material can facilitate the process of determining where the Material is used, especially if it is listed on multiple BOMs. Knowing where a Material is used allows companies to take advantage of bulk purchases to improve price and delivery of materials.
Lab Dips—As materials are listed on the BOM, lab dips can automatically be generated for both the corresponding colors and suppliers of the Material.
Cost Roll-Up and Pricing Effectivity (if used)—Through customization, you can roll up BOM totals into the Cost Sheet.