Adding Materials
You can update an existing BOM component at any time by adding additional materials to it. Show the Material column by clicking Hide/Show and selecting the Material checkbox.
Material Constraints
Using property settings, your administrator might have established material constraints. In this case, you can only add specific materials to certain sections of the BOM. If you attempt to add a material that is not constrained to that particular section of the BOM, the system either does not add it, or warns you of the existing material constraint and allows you to override it. This action depends on how your administrator has defined the material constraints.
Materials Button
To add materials to the BOM using the
Materials button, see the Materials Icon section in
BOM Function Icons for more information.
Quick Search
You can also add materials to the BOM using the quick search feature.
1. Click the Material column of a new row. A blinking text cursor in a text field appears.
2. Enter the quick search indicator, followed by your search string, which can include an asterisk (*) to indicate a wild-card search.
The default quick search indicator is a colon (:). Check with your administrator to find out if your quick search indicator has changed.
3. Press TAB to exit the field and initiate the search.
If your search produces multiple results, the system displays them in a separate box. Click the right pointing arrow in the Insert Material column for any material to insert that material into the current row on the BOM. Click the link in the Material column to bring up the Material Details window, where you can view and edit information about the material.
Materials Clipboard
The name of the last material added to the BOM is added to the materials clipboard. The name of this material appears to the right of the (Clear) link, which is to the right of the Materials button. You can add this material to the Material column of any row in the BOM by pressing CTRL and left-clicking the mouse. The system automatically obeys the material constraints defined when adding materials from the materials clipboard.
Undefined Materials
When initially creating the BOM, it might be necessary to type materials to create placeholders for those materials that are not yet known or defined. You can make edits within the Material column at any time when working on the BOM.