Administration > Advanced Product Creation Administration > Relationship Type Property Settings > Defining Familial Relationships
Defining Familial Relationships
You can define a given relationship type as either a parent-child relationship, where one product assumes the parent role, and the other product assumes the child role, or you can define a relationship type as a sibling relationship, where the products maintain no relationship to one another.
One property setting controls the default familial relationship for the system, and another property setting defines this relationship for individual relationship types. Both property settings can be set to one of two values: parent-child and sibling.
By default, the system automatically creates parent-child relationships. The default value for the out-of-the-box property setting to control the system-wide default is parent-child.
No relationship types exist by default; therefore, no familial relationships are established for individual relationship types.
You can change the system-wide default to create sibling relationships by setting the value of the property setting to sibling:
Use a single property setting to define the familial relationship for each individual relationship type. Only use this property setting if you want the familial relationship to be different from the system-wide default, whether it is the out-of-the-box or configured value. The basic form of the property setting used to define the familial relationship for a given relationship type is:
You must replace <RelationshipTypeName> with the name of the relationship type whose familial relationship you want to specify, and enter <value> as either parent-child or sibling.
In the following example, the system creates a sibling relationship whenever the Brand_Exchange relationship type is selected.