Release Notes > Release Notes for Vuforia Studio 9.20.0 > Fixed Issues in Vuforia Studio 9.20.0
Fixed Issues in Vuforia Studio 9.20.0
Vuforia Studio
TML Widget Content Lost
An issue was resolved where certain actions in Vuforia Studio resulted in the content of a TML widget to be lost.
Unable to Delete Project when Experience Service is not Running
An issue was resolved where deleting a project locally was not possible with certain configurations when the corresponding Experience Service was not running.
Model Target Editor Causing Errors when Loading an Experience
An issue was resolved where the Model Target widget caused erorrs while loading an experience.
Project Rename Warning Message not Internationalized
An issue was resolved where the warning message that appeared while renaming a project was not properly internationalized.
Advanced Model Target Training Status Bar Shows Incorrect Status After Project Rename
An issue was resolved where the Advanced Model Target status bar displayed processing even after training completed and the project was renamed.
Project Name not Appearing in URL when Special Characters Used
An issue was resolved where the project name was not displayed in the URL when a new project was created and special characters were included in the project name. Now, the project name appears in the URL when permitted special characters are included in the project name.
The following characters are no longer supported in project names: /?:* " \>
Project Names with 200 Characters or More Overflow
An issue was resolved where the project name would overflow on the status bar if it contained more than 200 characters.
API Call Still Made when Project Name is Empty
An issue was resolved where there were unnecessary API calls when the project name field was empty. This fix was made to optimize loading performance.
Able to Create Two Projects with the Same Name
An issue was resolved where it was possible to create two projects with the same name on the same local instance of Vuforia Studio.
Slider and Toggle Bindings not Copied During Duplicate View Action
An issue was resolved where bindings for the Slider and Toggle widgets were not copied when a view was duplicated.
Unable to Zoom In/Out of 3D Container After Adding PDF to 3D Document Widget in an Eyewear Project
An issue was resolved where users were unable to zoom in or out when in the 3D container after adding a PDF resource to a 3D Document widget in an Eyewear project.
Some Values Missing from Drop-down for Display or Value Properties when Binding a ThingWorx Service
An issue was resolved where when binding a ThingWorx service to a List or Select widget, some values were missing from the drop-down menu for the Display and Value properties.
Grid Columns Not Updated on Canvas or Preview for Grid Layout Widget
An issue was resolved where updating the properties of the Grid Layout widget did not change the display of the columns on the canvas in design time or in Preview.
Multibyte Characters in Project Name Causes Issues in Advanced Model Target Status Bar
An issue was resolved where including multibyte characters in a project name created issues in the Advanced Model Target generation status bar.
Model Does not Load When a Project Contains Duplicate Views
An issue was resolved where a model would not load when a projected contained duplicate views.
addEffectShaders Message Showing in 2D Eyewear Projects
An issue was resolved where a “addEffectShaders is not defined” message appeared in Preview and Vuforia View for 2D Eyewear projects.
Copying and Pasting Widgets Leads Removes Binding Filters
An issue was resolved where copying and pasting widgets mishandled binding filters that lead to data loss.
Vuforia View
An issue was resolved where an Image Target failed to load using TML if the optional ID was not supplied.
An issue was resolved where the ribbon color of a Waypoint did not change when the Arrived event was triggered.
An issue was resolved where an Image Target failed to load using TML if the optional ID was not supplied.
An issue was resolved where the ribbon color of a Waypoint did not change when the Arrived event was triggered.
An issue was resolved where a “addEffectShaders is not defined” message appeared in Preview and Vuforia View for 2D Eyewear projects.