Operate and Manage the Experience Service > Operating Your Experience Service > Get Experience Service Data > Get Registered User Count
Get Registered User Count
Use the following Experience Service endpoint to retrieve the number of registered users that accessed the Experience Service during a specified time period where <es-protocol>, <es-host>, and es-port> are replaced with values appropriate for your Experience Service deployment. Also, <start-date> and <end-date> must be ISO 8601 compliant date strings:
For example, to retrieve the number of registered users that accessed the Experience Service between December 12, 2018 3:30 PM UTC and December 14, 2018 5:00 PM UTC, enter a URL like the following into a standard web browser:
The API returns a JSON object with a views and billables field.
registeredUsers—number registered users that accessed the Experience Service
For example:
The startDate and endDate parameters are optional. Omitting startDate returns the number of registered users that accessed the Experience Service prior to the specified endDate. Omitting endDate returns the number of registered users that accessed the Experience Service since the specified startDate. Omitting both dates returns the number of registered users that have ever accessed the Experience Service.