Capture Procedures with Vuforia Capture > Vuforia Capture for RealWear > SD Card Storage for RealWear HMT-1 and HMT-1Z1 Devices
SD Card Storage for RealWear HMT-1 and HMT-1Z1 Devices
Switching storage modes before saving any in-progress Capture sessions can lead to data loss and issues while using Vuforia Capture.
Insert the SD Card
For information about inserting and setting up an SD card on your RealWear device, see following sections in the HMT Release 12 User Guide:
RealWear Navigator 500 devices are not yet supported for this feature.
“HMT-1 MicroSD Card”
“Setting Up and Using a MicroSD Card”
Switch the Storage Mode on Your RealWear
Before switching storage modes, we strongly recommend finishing and saving any in-progress Capture sessions, and then closing Vuforia Capture using the following voice commands:
Say, “Recent Applications,” and then “Dismiss all.”
Once your MicroSD card is set up, you can easily switch between local storage and the SD card storage by navigating to My Programs > Settings > RealWear > Storage Mode. Once you’ve updated the setting, Vuforia Capture will automatically determine the storage location based on this system setting.
If your storage mode is set to the SD card, you can find your new Capture files at the following location:
This PC/HMT-1/SD_CARD_NAME/Android/data/com.ptc.vuforia_capture/files