Access Data with Vuforia APIs > Vuforia APIs > Accessing a List of Published Procedures > Make the API Call > Return All Published Procedures in an Organization
Return All Published Procedures in an Organization
To return all published procedures in the organization, run the following command:
curl '<orgid>/cms/projects/_default/distro/procedures?include=publishedonly' -H 'x-api-key: <x-api-key secret>'
Once the API key is validated (and found to be valid), the results that are returned should look similar to the following example:
"items": [
"resourceid": "eca66870-83fc-11ee-af7f-21f96fba3656",
"resourcetype": "procedures",
"resourcecreatedon": "2023-11-15T21:21:23.600Z",
"resourcecreatedby": "4ff62b7f-2aa8-4cb6-a80f-8347323f61f2",
"title": "heli-11-15-a",
"status": 1,
"lastpublishedby": "4ff62b7f-2aa8-4cb6-a80f-8347323f61f2",
"lastpublishedon": "2024-02-13T01:33:29.857Z",
"unpublishedby": null,
"unpublishedon": null,
"sharedpublished": 0,
"versionDescription": "",
"publicationUrl": "<url>",
"thumbnail": "<url>",
"contentUrl": "<url>",
"experienceUrl": "<url>",
"counts": {
"viewer": 1,
"list": 0
Construct the URL to Access Procedures on Vuforia Vantage for Web and Vuforia Vantage for Mobile
1. Obtain the experienceURL from the API response for the published procedure. For example:
"experienceUrl": "/ExperienceService/3f672328-27fd-9c3c-9454-0aa9bba0d8e9/cms/projects/_default/published/cr/f0b7be4597396a53870b5f23e462dd49/",
2. Depending on the platform for which you want to construct the URL, do one of the following:
Vuforia Vantage for Web
Prefix the URL obtained from the response with the following:
For example:
Vuforia Vantage for Mobile
Prefix the URL obtained from the response with the following:
For example: