Release Notes > What’s New in Vuforia Expert Capture 3.13.0
What’s New in Vuforia Expert Capture 3.13.0
For information about What’s New in the PTC Admin Center, see Release Notes in the Help Center for the PTC Admin Center.
External APIs
Vuforia APIs Now Available
You can now use Vuforia APIs to access Vuforia Expert Capture data.
Vuforia Editor
Improvements to Exported Procedure Document
The exported Word document of a procedure has been updated to improve the visual representation (coloring/styling) of POI and part marker images.
These updates will only be visible after a new version of the procedure is published.
Improvements to Step Check
The following improvements have been made to Step Check features and functionality:
A new filter option is available on the Step Check Dashboard that allows users to filter sessions and images by Pass, Fail, Review needed, and Contradictions. A menu (...) was also added to images from which users can filter sessions and images that look similar. As part of this update, the Please Review section on the dashboard will no longer appear.
The Images to be reviewed section on the STEP CHECK tab is not affected by this change.
If there are unresolved Step Check images that need review, the following message appears above the Publish button on the PUBLISH tab:
It is not suggested to publish before resolving open Step Check reviews. Go to the Step Check tab to resolve them.
If there are no outstanding reviews, it the following message is displayed:
No outstanding Step Check reviews.
When duplicating a procedure that contains Step Check steps, a message appears informing users that both the old and the new procedure will share the Step Check training data. Additionally, an information banner appears on the STEP CHECK tab for all procedures that share data due to the duplication.
When Step Check sample images are in the process of being relabeled or deleted, a warning message is displayed when the user closes or reloads the browser tab.
Procedure authors can now rename a Step Check from a step card.
Previous mode settings are retained when changing the mode of a Step Check step from Active to Setup, and then back to Active again. For example, if a Step Check step has been set from Active > Setup > Active, the Vantage results display (Recommended, Silent, Auto Proceed) and Continue Training settings will be retained when set back to Active.
Vuforia Vantage
Step Check guided training has been moved outside of standard procedure execution. A new menu entry is available on the procedure start screen allowing the user to start Step Check training. This will then execute the procedure which will be limited to all Step Check steps which are either in Setup mode or that have Continue Training enabled.
Step Check steps that are in Setup mode will now behave like standard pass/fail steps
Step check steps in Active mode will behave as usual, including capturing of training images in the background if Continue Training is enabled.
Step Check guided training has been moved outside of standard procedure execution. A new menu entry is available on the procedure start screen allowing the user to start Step Check training. This will then execute the procedure which will be limited to all Step Check steps which are either in Setup mode or that have Continue Training enabled.
Step Check steps that are in Setup mode will now behave like standard pass/fail steps
Step check steps in Active mode will behave as usual, including capturing of training images in the background if Continue Training is enabled.
Vuforia Insights
Aligned Display for Viewer Insights and Audit History
The following minor changes have been made to better align the display in Viewer Insights and Audit History:
All column headers now use title case
Filter labels all now use the following format: [Filter Name]: All” / “[Filter Name]: count
Sorting Not Supported for Additional Data Column
Sorting is no longer supported for the Additional Data column in the Audit History table.
Vuforia Settings
New Disable/Enable Procedure and User Information in External API Setting
A new Disable/Enable Procedure and User Information in External API setting is available. When enabled, the setting will allow accessing procedure titles, step descriptions, and user information through external APIs. Previously, this information was not accessible when using the external APIs. By default, this setting is disabled.