Access Data with Vuforia APIs > Obtain the x-api-key ID and Secret > Obtain the Customer Organization ID and x-api-key ID
Obtain the Customer Organization ID and x-api-key ID
Org ID
To obtain the organization ID, contact your administrator. Your administrator can find the Organization ID by navigating to the PTC Admin Center, and navigating to the Organization Details page.
Organization Details page of Admin Center
Perform the following actions while on the Organization Details page, as they will be needed in the next section when obtaining the x-api-key ID:
Take a screenshot of the Organization Details page that includes both the name of your organization (in the image above the name of the organization is shown as “PTC Vuforia Bobsled”) and the organization ID.
Use the copy icon to copy the Organization ID.
x-api-key ID
1. Open a case with PTC Technical Support to obtain the x-api-key ID for your organization.
2. Be sure to include the following in your case:
The screenshot of the Organization Details page that includes the name of your organization and organization ID
The Organization ID that you copied as text.