Chalk for Desktop > Home Tab
Home Tab
Once you’ve logged in to Chalk for Desktop , you’ll see your home screen.
From the home screen, you can do any of the following:
Start or Join a Chalk Session
Access your company directory from the Contacts tab
Access the Sessions tab (currently a beta feature)
Submit feedback about your experience with Chalk using the Feedback option
Access downloads for Chalk for mobile devices and Chalk for RealWear from App Downloads
Access the Chalk Admin Center
Access the Network Test page
Chalk for Desktop Sessions
After you’ve started a session from Chalk for Desktop, you can invite others to join the session using one of the following ways:
Share the Connect Code displayed with other users manually or verbally
Click Share next to the Connect Code and use one of the following options:
On the SHARE CODE window, click Copy and include a link to the session in an email.
Use the search bar to search your company directory to find a participant in your organization to share the link with.
Once you’re in a session from your desktop, the following actions are available:
Turns the flashlight of the remote device on and off.
Turns on low bandwidth mode. If the network connection quality changes during a session and becomes poor, you’ll notice the following icon in the lower-left corner:
When this poor connection icon appears, enable low bandwidth mode. The icon will change to one of the following:
—If this icon appears, it means that the connection is good, and low bandwidth mode can be disabled.
—If this icon appears, it means that low bandwidth mode is already enabled, but the connection is still poor.
A user not sharing their view should enable the low bandwidth mode within a session so they can still view high-quality images with a slight delay from user sharing their view.
Undoes your previous annotation. To view more actions, click the arrow in the bottom-left of the icon. The following actions appear:
The Delete everyone’s annotations action only appears if you are the host of the session.
Changes the color of your Chalk Marks used for still-frame annotations.
Pauses and resumes the remote video.
For more information on joining or starting a session on desktop, see the “Chalk for Desktop Users” section in Start or Join a Chalk Session.
You can also check out the Chalk for Desktop and Hands-Free Devices tutorial on the PTC University Learning Connector.