Vuforia Chalk for RealWear > Use Chalk for RealWear > Troubleshooting and FAQs
Troubleshooting and FAQs
Can I Initiate a Chalk Session from a RealWear
Currently, you can only join a Chalk session on a RealWear. To do this, a host must give you a Connect Code, so the remote RealWear user must also have access to a mobile device to obtain the code. For more information, see Join a Chalk Session from a RealWear Device.
Why can’t I see video?
Make sure that Chalk has permission to access your device camera.
Or, if you are the person giving help, the other person may need to start sharing their view.
Chalk for Desktop Doesn’t Switch to Landscape
If Chalk for Desktop does not switch to landscape view while in a session with a remote user using a RealWear device, try clearing your cache or launching Chalk for Desktop in incognito.
I Get a Network Error When Joining a Chalk Session on a RealWear Device
If you get a network error when trying to join a Chalk session, check if other apps on your device are able to connect to the internet. If they’re also not able to connect, there may be an issue with your device’s connectivity.
Chalk Gets Stuck While Joining a Session
If Chalk gets stuck on the following screen while trying to join a session, make sure that the date and time is correct on your RealWear device. You can set the date and time on your device by navigating to My Programs > Settings > System > Date and Time